Saturday, April 18, 2009

Susan Boyle

This week, the world was introduced to Susan Boyle. A frumpy, never-been-kissed, 47-year old Scottish woman who happened to steal the hearts of everyone on Britain's Got Talent. She's an unemployed charity worker who lives with her cat, Pebbles. Now she's the biggest thing on the Internet. In just about 2-days, the You Tube video of her performance on the show was visited by more than 15-million! The woman has an incredible voice. Many are saying she's a plant for the show..that's it's fixed. I say, who cares? Susan Boyle has made all of us realize that everyone has a shot in this world....Yes, don't judge a book by its cover is the line many are using when talking about Susan Boyle....I say she gives hope to the older woman of the world who think their lives are over...who think that change can't come in one's future so late in life...Reportedly, Simon Cowell is in the process of signing Susan to a record deal and an album should be out in the future. One of the other judges on the show wants to take Miss Boyle out on an elegant date!! Susan's life has changed overnight..I say...good for Susan.....prove all the naysayers wrong....I'm on your matter what others think.... And for those who think she's a flash in the pan and it was all a she is singing the blues...this was recorded in 1999!

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