Thursday, October 16, 2008

The 10-things I want to do before I push up daisies!

The movie " The Bucket List" started conversations across the country...what do you want to accomplish before you die? The odds are you've had similar conversations with your friends, spouse or family. This morning on the show, we all shared our lists. Here's mine, in no particular order:

1. Get a Master's degree in marketing

2. Write a book about my trials (literally) and tribulations in radio

3. Learn to play at least 1-song on the piano

4. Visit at least 1-major landmark in every state in the country

5. Be a zoo keeper for a day. I love animals. I always wanted to be a veterinarian, so this would satisfy that dream gone by the wayside.

6. Watch my children graduate from college and get married

7. Bottle and commercially sell my homemade spaghetti sauce (grandma's recipe passed down through the generations!)

8. Live in Italy for at least 6-months.

9. Ride a horse that competed in the Olympics. I just want to see how awesome it is to ride an animal that's worth more than my house!

10. Own a pet cow! Yes, I love this stupid, adorable beasts. And no, she wouldn't EVER be lunch or dinner!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Jenn,
I loved your blog about "The 10-things I want to do before I push up daisies!" It motivated me to make my own list! YOU ROCK!!